Tag 1

Vorträge: Private Investigations,Die BioP-II-Studie des BSI


Chances and Risks of Data Retention Legislation are currently...
This talk is about how using syscall proxying technique for...
An overview of the highly dynamic, object-oriented, functional...
The TRIPS Treaty is one of the most discussed within the WTO. Its...
Using Python, a large variety of media-oriented systems can be...
Data retention is presented as a solution for fighting child...
There are also loads of reasons for attending the lightning talks...
About p2p-algorithms for fully distributed, totally serverless,...
Nach den BigBrotherAwards 2004, bei denen die Universitaet...
CCTV moechte fuer mehr oeffentliche Sicherheit sorgen, bringt aber...
What have talking to your lover and information warfare in common?...
Piratbyran.org in Sweden has since 2003
A talk that will present academic tools, which are designed to find...
Automated analysis of surveillance videos has seen a lot of...
W3C is developing several new Web technologies and modules for...
Within the topic of international regulation attempts in the field...